I had the opportunity to attend the unveiling of the new 2018 Porsche Panamera. Although I have seen it in person previously, I never had the chance to check out the interior. The reception was held at Porsche Fremont where approximately 200 or so guests came. Check out more pics below and I'll throw in a few 718s, 911s and SUVs just for fun. There were two Panameras in the show room. The first was a white Panamera Turbo. It clearly had a more desirable interior but most clients wouldn't buy this trim so they also had another purple base Panamera on display as well. This is the purple base Panamera. Unfortunately none of the Panameras had their batteries fully charged so I wasn't able to see the new infotainment system. The techs there also explained more about the design and engine in the service bay. It had all the heat shields removed so that the guests could have a better unobstructed view. Okay and last but not least some Porsches I found outside, including a pair of GT4s.
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February 2020
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